About Bo

Creative Freelancer + Educator

With two decades of working as a professional photographer in the arts and culture sectors, I’ve become uniquely placed to understand the changing needs of creatives and small businesses in an increasingly digital landscape.

I’m passionate about elevating the role of the arts in our broader culture and caring for the wellbeing of our workers. I actively champion creatives through mentorships, workshops, retreats, and photography and communication services, while continuing to exhibit my own work.

I am a natural collaborator and bring expertise, humour and warmth to every retreat, workshop, talk, podcast and shoot.

I live, work and swim in the two best places on earth: Kwoorabup Denmark and Walyalup Fremantle in Western Australia.

I stay in Walyalup Fremantle in the Lemon Delicious, my 1968 caravan.  Other times, you’ll find me at home in Kwoorabup Denmark on Menang Noongar Country.

I swim all year round at Greens Pool – if you follow my Instagram account, you can watch this incredible section of coastline change throughout the seasons.